Thursday, December 19, 2013

I Don't Care...

Yes, I just said, I don't care.


I thought that would get your attention.


Today there is an uproar over the suspension of Phil Robertson by A&E.  I guess it is their version of a ‘time out’ for being naughty.  Give me a break.


Do you want to know the real reason of Duck Dynasty’s success and the real reason the Robertson family has become such a phenomenon?  They don’t care either.


Now let me explain myself before you get your knickers in a twist.  When a person has a belief that they hold to be true, beyond any doubt at all, and they live their life according to that belief, secure in that belief beyond measure, then they don’t care what others think.


That is where Phil Robertson is.  He knows the God he believes in and he is convinced that that belief is all that matters and therefore what others think does not matter.


He did not need to go on the Barbara Walters show to gain approval with the world.  He wanted to go duck hunting and so he did.  He did not need that kind of fame and notoriety that her show would bring.  And maybe that is why Duck Dynasty is experiencing the pinnacle of fame and fortune, because they don’t care whether they have it or not.  They were who they are before and will be who they are even after.


And this is why the world watches in fascination.  For the majority of the world is driven by what others think.  This rare tribe of people who dress as they please, live as they please, worship the God they please and are not shy about voicing their opinions when asked are unique in this American culture.


When someone is truly secure in their beliefs, it truly doesn’t matter what others say.  When a person is insecure in what they believe they will always feel the need to justify their belief, both in an effort to convince others, as well as themselves.  They feel the need to be loud and vocal in an attempt to fight for their right to believe what they believe when that right has been there all along.


Probably the greatest mystery and disbelief about genuine Christians is that they can disagree, while still loving with a Christ like love those they disagree with.  They can still hold differing opinions and still love that opposing person, regardless.  How?  Not within ourselves but because we submit ourselves to Christ to love through us.


I have homosexual friends that I love dearly.  Do I agree with their lifestyle?  That is irrelevant!  If I didn’t love them because I feel they are sinning then I couldn’t love anyone. 


The Bible says that if we know what the right thing to do is and we do not do it, it is sin.  Oh my then, don’t we ALL fall in that category?  Who then could I love?


But I know intimately the God I serve and how deep His love is for everyone.  So I can go through life really not caring what the world around me thinks about me.  I will do from a heart of love even if I disagree.


God bless you Phil Robertson for living your life as you feel God leads you and not caring what the rest of the world thinks.

Nancy Jackson, daydreamer extraordinaire
Dreams Do Come True
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